Saturday 6 July 2013

Conversation between Pen & Pencil

"What are you doing in my pencil box? I told you to stay out, “said the pen angrily.

"Don't tell me! Andrew likes me more than you," replied the pencil.

"Don't tell me fake stories!" said the pen.

"Whatever!" exclaimed the pencil proudly, "I was invented first so he loves me more than you."

"So what!" said pen rudely. If you were invented first, I was bought first by Andrew."

"OK! Don't disturb me", ordered the pencil, "Go to that corner."

"Hey! Wait a minute...." said the pen angrily "Why would I go to that stinky corner? That's not your property!"

"I don't want to listen anything from you! GO or I will..............,"said the pencil.

"What will you do?" Asked the pen "I have more fame than you so i am not supposed to go to that dirty corner!"

"Although you have more fame, I am easy to use" replied the pencil.

"I am more reliable than you!" Said the pen.

"Hey! Why are we fighting?" asked the pen, "Can't we be friends?"

"I don't know!" said the pen, "YES! We can be friends."

The pen gave his hand to the pencil .They shook their hands smiling to each other.

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