Wednesday 22 August 2012

How to Talk About Weather in English

One of the most basic topics of conversation is the weather. It seems like a discussion that you can’t get away from!
It’s an easy way to start a conversation, even with strangers. Knowing some simple weather phrases in English will help you get through “small talk” much more easily.
Here are some questions you could ask:
  • How’s the weather? or What’s it like out there?
  • Is it hot or cold?
  • Is it sunny?
  • Is it raining?
  • Beautiful day, isn’t it?
  • What’s the weather forecast? (What is the weather expected to be like?)
Some answers to describe weather:
  • Today it is warm and sunny out.
  • It’s so cold out there!
  • The sun is very bright today, you might want to take sunglasses.
  • It’s not raining, but it is cloudy.
  • It is! I’m so happy the sun is shining.
  • They’re saying blue skies and hot!  
Here is some weather vocabulary that you might use:
below freezing: temperature less than 0 Celcius or 32 Fahrenheit
It’s supposed to be below freezing today. I should wear my gloves.
boiling hot: an idiom used to describe a very hot day
It was boiling hot, so we decided to stay inside.
breeze: a very light wind; breezy: lightly windy
Maybe you shouldn’t wear a hat, it’s breezy out today.
chilly: lightly cold
I always wear a scarf when it’s chilly.
drizzling: to be raining very lightly
I don’t think you’ll need an umbrella, it’s only drizzling.
overcast: a gray sky with no sun visible
The sky is overcast this morning, but the sun is supposed to come out later.

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